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Providing online training for business aviation professionals globally.
In September 2019, a new Crew Resource Management Training Standard, “Contemporary CRM” went into effect (AC-700-042). As part of this new training standard, all Canadian Commercial operators are now required to complete Joint Annual Training (JAT) each year. According to the requirement, this training “shall” include, “Annual training in safety and emergency procedures which shall be comprised of a joint participation of flight crew, flight attendant, dispatchers/flight followers, ground crew and maintenance personnel, as applicable…“
Critical Reliability Consulting, in collaboration with, have developed a Joint Annual Training course that is presented via live webinar. The course is delivered in a seminar format, using the Zoom platform where participation, dialogue and engagement are encouraged and promoted. Prior to COVID-19, we started delivering these courses and received very positive feedback. The global pandemic has made this method of training even more relevant, convenient and cost-effective as a means of providing approved and efficient instruction to your team, while maintaining social distancing. With the exception of required Evacuation Drills, which must be done “in-house”, your flight department can have this annual training requirement satisfactorily completed in about two hours.
Please visit the Joint Annual Training (JAT) page for a more detailed description.
Alternatively, you can contact Farah Faruqi (604.831.0365) or Jenna Pennacchioli (604.270.1343 ext.102)
Patrick Mendenhall, Critical Reliability Consulting