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Pending Canadian Contemporary CRM Requirements for Commercial Ops

Updated on September 24, 2019

Author: Brent Fishlock

Hello, Canadian Commercial Operators. We have received answers from Transport Canada to our questions regarding the new Contemporary CRM. The questions and answers are as follows:

Does all training, including Sections (a) and (b) of the Standard which require the live Joint Annual Training (JAT), have to be completed by September 30, 2019?

The answer is, ‘No.’ However, Section (a) of CARs 724.115(38) which is ‘Initial Training,’ must be completed by September 30, 2019. This can be completed online with the CRM topic. Section (b) of the Standard, which is ‘Annual Training’ and includes the Joint Annual Training (online webinar or in-person), must be completed within one year of the online training.

If someone is hired after September 30, 2019, do they have to complete ALL CRM training prior to starting work?

No. However, the new hire must complete the ‘Initial Training’ Section (a) of Standard 724.115(38), which can be completed online with the CRM topic. The new hire must then participate in the next Joint Annual Training event within one year. is your one-stop shop for all your training needs, including the new Contemporary CRM for Canadian Commercial Operators.

Overview of’s CRM training solution for Canadian Commercial Operators:

  1. We have developed online training that meets the requirements of CAR724.115(38)(a), i.e., the Initial and 3-year training requirement. .
  2. We also provide direction and tools for operators to meet the requirements of CAR724.115(38)(b), i.e., the Joint Annual Training requirement or JAT. This solution includes directions on how to host JAT training in a classroom setting, a selection of relevant case studies, and other information found in the Further Reading Library, which is made available to trainees.
  3. Finally, has partnered with Critical Reliability Consulting (CRC) to deliver an in-class or webinar-delivered JAT to meet CAR724.115(38)(b). 


Updated on July 16, 2019

Author: Brent Fishlock

For this blog update, I am using a bullet format to get the main points out there in as clear a way as possible. We are engaged in discussions with many clients, non-clients, and Transport Canada to effectively answer as many questions as possible.

This is what we do know:

  1. CRM is effective September 30, 2019 for all Commercial Operators in Canada.
  2., through our SME Patrick Mendenhall, offers a Joint Annual Training (JAT) webinar which many Operators have already taken. Contact us to become CRM compliant.
  3. CRM-compliant online training is available, and clients are taking it.
  4. Single Pilot Resource Management (SRM) and Maintenance Resource Management (MRM) training, which will be compliant with the CRM Standard, are both in production.

This is what we have asked Transport Canada:

  1. Does all training, including the Joint Annual Training (JAT), have to be completed by September 30, 2019?
  2. If someone is hired after September 30, 2019, do they have to complete all CRM training prior to starting work?

We believe the answer will be ‘yes’ to the first question, so please contact us for your training solution and book your JAT. Question 2 is more of an unknown due to the contradictions between the Standard and the AC. If an Operator hires five employees throughout the year, would it make sense that they have to complete five JAT webinars in a year? We believe the intent of the Standard and the AC is that a new hire would complete initial training (which is all online) plus a relevant case study. The new employee would attend a JAT the next time it occurs.

Query your POI. We have asked many and are waiting for an answer. is your single source for CRM-compliant training. We will provide updates as they become available to us.

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