Providing online training for business aviation professionals globally.


Reminder about our special promotional offer

SRM, Weather Radar | November 18, 2013

Author: staff

There is only 1 week left to sign up for our special promotional offer on Single Pilot Resource Management (SRM) and Airborne Weather Radar (packaged together for only $1200/€960, regular price $1600/€1320). These stand-alone topics offer the most comprehensive online training on SRM and Airborne Weather Radar on the market. Visit our online storefront to sign up now.

Airborne Weather Radar – Online Training Outline

Our business aviation-specific Airborne Weather Radar training provides pilots with a comprehensive review of the use and limitations of their radar system. Pilots are presented with specific techniques that will help them identify and avoid hazardous weather using radar, and are also shown how to pair radar usage with other tools and resources. Emphasis is placed on the two absolute radar rules: never use radar to penetrate hazardous weather, and never continue flight towards a radar shadow. Real-life case studies and high-resolution depictions of actual radar screens and hazardous weather help solidify the trainee’s understanding of key concepts.

  • System overview (antenna size; beam width; colour thresholds)
  • Interpreting radar data
  • Gaining proficiency
  • Limitations of radar
  • Cell reflectivity and anatomy
  • Misuse of radar (e.g., overscanning)
  • Attenuation
  • Tilt positions
  • Storm Hazards Indexing Test (©AjT Inc)
  • Operational employment
  • Oceanic convective weather

SRM – Online Training Outline

Our comprehensive Single Pilot Resource Management topic is focused on risk management strategies that emphasize task and workload management. It provides a practical approach that enhances safety for single pilot operations. The lessons include information on skill requirements, risk factors, and the Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT). The topic also discusses situational awareness, automation, and safety and operational issues.

  • Risk management
  • Risk assessment
  • Safety and operational issues
  • Automation
  • Situational awareness

Press releases:

Comprehensive Airborne Weather Radar Training Now Available Online Offers First Ever Comprehensive Online SRM Program

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