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Category II and III Approaches (CDN)

Topic Description
This topic reviews Category II and III approaches from a Canadian perspective.
3 lessons
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
Topic Outline
- Characteristics, capabilities and limitations of the ILS
- Visual aids and the limitations on their use as visual cues in reduced visibility
- Operation, capabilities and limitations of the airborne systems
- Approach, missed approach and rejected landing procedures
- The use and limitations of RVR, including the applicability of RVR readings from different positions along the runway
- Obstacle limitation and the obstacle-free zone
- The effects of low-level windshear, turbulence and precipitation
- Significant factors in the determination of decision height or alert height
- Procedures and precautions to be followed while taxiing during limited visibility conditions
- Canada Air Pilot or Restricted Canada Air Pilot