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Human Factors for Pilots

Topic Description
Intended for pilots conducting Elementary Maintenance, these Human Factors lessons consider how the maintenance “Dirty Dozen” human factors affect the outcome of aircraft maintenance procedures. The focus is on developing the skills to effectively analyze and learn from accidents and incidents, several of which are reviewed to illustrate the factors of these incidents. The lessons explain how human error is still prevalent to this day, and they discuss how to identify the factors that contribute to these errors as well as how to prevent them from happening.
4 lessons
- Introduction
- Automation and human error
- Design tools
- Organizations
Topic Outline
- Root causes of accidents and incidents, including how to identify them
- Human error
- Chain of events resulting in accidents
- The Dirty Dozen, and safety nets that prevent the Dirty Dozen from contributing to an incident or accident
- Error management, including error prevention and error containment