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Performance Airspace: RNP APCH

Topic Description
This topic covers the Required Navigation Performance Approach (RNP APCH) designation, which uses RNP navigation specifications with increased accuracy limits and allows for greater access to a number of approaches with lower minima. It provides an overview of RNP APCH criteria, including vertical guidance, navigation augmentation, barometric vertical navigation, and RNP APCH minima with and without approved vertical guidance. It also discusses flight planning for RNP APCH, including proper approach and contingency procedures.
3 lessons
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Performance Airspace: RNAV and RNP
Topic Outline
- RNP APCH and RNP APCH minima
- Augmentation Systems
- Baro-VNAV
- RNP APCH with approved vertical guidance
- Flight planning
- Approach procedures