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Providing online training for business aviation professionals globally.
Author: Scott Macpherson
At, one of our foundational beliefs is that every aircraft operator has a different role and culture, and therefore different risks and needs.
A corporate flight department operating cabin class jets internationally has very different concerns than a charter operator taking cargo or personnel to production facilities. That’s why prescribing training regimes through regulations and standards is ineffective; no prescriptive regulation or standard can take into account every possible risk or operator policy.
Regulators become nervous when they may be faulted for not ensuring safe minimum standards and so, out of fear of criticism from their many stakeholders (industry professionals, industry representative associations, elected officials, the press, the public, their peers, administrators, and more), they demand simplistic, easily checked policies and manuals, even though these fail to meet the needs of the operators who are supposed to be guided by them.
Thus, manuals, record keeping, and programs such as maintenance and training ultimately end up serving the nervous regulator rather than the people actually operating, maintaining, and riding in the aircraft.
A customized program based on regulations, standards, industry data, and operator data is the way supports our clients in managing their real risks while operating legally and efficiently. A proactive program resulting from a thorough assessment of operator-specific needs takes into account current and planned operational capabilities and responds to improved safety performance by reducing the emphasis on those risks that are being well-managed, and increasing the training emphasis on areas of weakness. This prevents negative training by tying training to issues that trainees know to be real and prevents the training program from being discredited when irrelevant or mastered topics are repeatedly addressed.
We look forward to helping you “right size” your training program through a thorough Training Needs Assessment.
Scott Macpherson is the President and Founder of and Vice Chairman of the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) Governing Board. He is currently Captain on a Falcon 900LX.